Group-sharing Lotos
For our clients, whom are going through individual therapeutic program in our center, but not limited to them, there are group-sharing LOTOS meetings. These meetings happen regularly every last Wednesday of the month from 15:00 to 17:00 at Holos Center in Opava-Vlaštovičky. It functions as a supplementary element in the whole therapy of the client, as it is essential part of the therapeutic program.
If you have been recommended participating at a group-sharing, feel free to sign up. If you are not going through an individual therapeutic program, but you think, that your participation could be beneficial, please contact MUDr. Milan Hrabánek before singing up.
For each meeting the client has to sign up individually.
Group-sharing LOTOS is mainly for clients…
at Holos Center, who are going through individual therapeutic program in our center and their close family relatives.
Undergoing difficult phases in life (divorce, death of a relative, loss of occupation etc.)
Participating in some of the addiction treatment programs
People, who have had a “Bad trip”, an uncomfortable drug experience
Interested in personal development and deeper self-exploration
Looking for spiritual orientation, more meaningful approach to life and a dialog with people of similar focus
Looking for an effective preventative measure against habit-forming conditions
Growing up in disharmonious families
Working with other people as consultants, therapists, health professionals etc.