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Our team

Supervizor terapeutického týmu Holos

prof. MUDr. Stanislav Grof, Ph.D.

Supervisor of the therapeutic team

MUDr. Stanislav Grof is a psychiatrist with more than 60 years of experience in the study of extraordinary states of consciousness and is one of the founders and core theoreticians of transpersonal psychology.

He regularly visits Holos Center, which fulfills his vision of a transpersonal center for the work with extraordinary states of consciousness and which he called as unique in the world

Therapeutic team

Terapeutický tým

Vedoucí terapeutického a výzkumného týmu

MUDr. Milan Hrabánek

Leader of the therapeutic and the research teams

MUDr. Milan Hrabánek is a doctor and a psychiatrist with almost 30 years of field experience, a researcher and a university teacher.  

He is a certified instructor of holotropic breathwork, he holds certificates for therapeutic use of transpersonal techniques, for example Sandplay from the Institute of expressive therapy in Australia and San Diego in California.

Terapeutický tým

Mgr. Jana Vysoudilová

Member of the therapeutic team

Mgr. Jana Vysoudilová is a certified instructor of holotropic breathwork, Sandplay technique and holistic music therapy.


Terapeutický tým

Mgr. Jana Vysoudilová

Member of the therapeutic team

Mgr. Jana Vysoudilová is a certified instructor of holotropic breathwork, Sandplay technique and holistic music therapy.

Terapeutický tým

Je terapeutkou. Jako léčebný prostředek hlubšího sebepoznání využívá ve své práci techniku Sandplay a propojuje arteterapeutické metody s psychoterapeutickou péčí.

Těšte se

Je speciální pedagožka, terapeutka a mentorka působící jako učitelka a metodička prevence na prvním stupni základní školy. Ve své terapeutické profesi se věnuje zejména dětským a rodinným traumatům.

Therapeutic team

Člen terapeutického a výzkumného týmu

Mgr. Ing. Lukáš Langer

Member of the therapeutic and the research teams


As part of his practice he focuses on individual psychological consultation and psychotherapy, during which he maintains a holistic perspective.

In his business life he leads Well-Being seminars and also functions as a transpersonal couch, which is a style of transformative couching method concerned with personality changes, deeper and more fundamental lifetime themes.

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Člen terapeutického a výzkumného týmu

PhDr. Jan Benda

Member of the therapeutic and the research teams

Ústí nad Labem, Praha

A psychologist, psychotherapist and a couch with the interest in spirituality, especially Buddha's teaching and shamanic work. He has training in satitherapy, Pesso therapy (PBSP), Emotion-Focused Therapy, training for work with extraordinary states of consciousness and many other courses 

Členka terapeutického týmu

Šárka Zimová Dostálová

Member of the therapeutic team


Originally a nurse, over 20 years working with people with mental and physical handicap and is a therapist in the field of Ostheopatic craniosacral therapy and Craniosacral dynamics.

Research team

Výzkumný tým

Vedoucí terapeutického a výzkumného týmu

Člen terapeutického a výzkumného týmu

MUDr. Milan Hrabánek

Leader of the therapeutic and the research teams

MUDr. Milan Hrabánek is a doctor and a psychiatrist with almost 30 years of field experience, a researcher and a university teacher.  

He is a certified instructor of holotropic breathwork, he holds certificates for therapeutic use of transpersonal techniques, for example Sandplay from the Institute of expressive therapy in Australia and San Diego in California.

Mgr. Ing. Lukáš Langer

Member of the therapeutic and the research teams

As part of his practice he focuses on individual psychological consultation and psychotherapy, during which he maintains a holistic perspective.

In his business life he leads Well-Being seminars and also functions as a transpersonal couch, which is a style of transformative couching method concerned with personality changes, deeper and more fundamental lifetime themes.

Jan Benda photo-new.jpg

Člen terapeutického a výzkumného týmu

PhDr. Jan Benda

Member of the therapeutic and the research teams

A psychologist, psychotherapist and a couch with the interest in spirituality, especially Buddha's teaching and shamanic work. He has training in satitherapy, Pesso therapy (PBSP), Emotion-Focused Therapy, training for work with extraordinary states of consciousness and many other courses 

Leisure activity team

Mgr. PaedDr. Irena Johanka Savková

Vedoucí vzdělávacího centra Holos

Irena Johanka Savková je speciální pedagožka s 28. letou praxí, lektorka, mentorka, muzikoterapeutka a univerzitní učitelka, působící 15. let na pozici ředitelky speciálních škol Diakonie ČCE Ostrava.

Od roku 2021 vede Vzdělávací centrum Holos.

David Weiss

Člen týmu vzdělávacího centra Holos

Tým vzdělávacího centra Holos

Ing. Tomáš Váňa

Člen týmu vzdělávacího centra Holos

Tomáš Váňa působí v Holosu od roku 2010, od roku 2017 je pak jeho ředitelem. Je absolventem oborů japonská filologie a aplikovaná ekonomická studia na Univerzitě Palackého v Olomouci a navazujícího magisterského studia na Slezské univerzitě, Obchodně-podnikatelské fakultě v Karviné.


V současné době je studentem magisterského studia psychologie na Universitas Humanitas Philia Pragensis. Je také frekventantem výcviku Grof® Legacy Training - Holos.

Leisure activity team

Tým volnočasových aktivit

Lektorka Taneční školy

Bc. Barbora Hrabánková

Lecturer at the Dance school Holos

In 2010 she was invited to teach dancing at Holos, which she happily accepted and based on that she extended her education by acquiring certificates for Lecturer of street dance techniques and Lecturer of artistic dance techniques, which are accredited by the Czech Ministry of education.

Lektorka Tvořivé dílny

Kamila Světlíková

Lecturer of the Creative workshop Holos, art therapist

She is one of the people, who always need to create something and that is why she explores new techniques with the purpose of not only enriching herself, but also the people around her. She joins courses and learns new methods, so that she can share them with others. In the recent time, she is fascinated by painting on silk, glass, porcelain and textile, basket knitting, playing around with pedig, pottery patchwork and more.

Organizational team

Organizační tým

Ing. Tomáš Váňa

The director

In 2010 he became a member of the Holos civic association and since then he has, as a volunteer, managed the website, done administration work, accounting, projects and helped with the events.
As a reaction to the new Czech Civil code, he prepared and implemented the change over of Holos' legal format and in 2017 he was appointed as the director.

Správní rada

Board of governers

Ing. Jan Vícha

Předseda správní rady

Ing. Jan Vícha

Chairman of the board

The owner and executive head of the company Optys, ltd.

Mgr. Václav Šneberger

Člen správní rady

Mgr. Václav Šneberger

Chairman of the board

Coach, mentor, founder of LOM - League of open men, non-profit organization.

Šárka Zimová Dostálová

Členka správní rady

Šárka Zimová Dostálová

Chairman of the board

Director of the company Slunečnice in Děčín, experience project manager and a craniosacral therapist.

Mgr. Jaroslav Horký


Mgr. Jaroslav Horký

The auditor

He is the tax advisor and legal expert of the association and he acts as the control agency.

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