MUDr. Milan Hrabánek
Leader of the therapeutic and the research teams
Opening consultation / Individual psychotherapy / Sandplay / Self-exploratory residence stays / Holotropic breathwork / Spiritual emergency

MUDr. Milan Hrabánek is a medical doctor and a psychiatrist with almost 30-year field experience, a researcher and
a university teacher.
In collaboration with prof. Stanislav Grof he led in the years of 1995-1999 Grof Transpersonal Traning on a global level. In the latest years he is a close colleague and assistant of prof. Grof in the Czech Republic and Poland for organizing his program.
He is the founder and the leader of the therapeutic team at the International transpersonal center Holos, which helps people in difficult life situations, in spiritual emergency or people with addiction.
He is a certified instructor of holotropic breathwork, he holds certificates for therapeutic use of transpersonal techniques, for example Sandplay from the Institute of expressive therapy in Australia and San Diego in California.

Curriculum Vitae:
Milan earned his title of general medicine doctor in 1991 at Masaryk University in Brno. From 1991 he began working as general doctor in his hometown – Opava. From 1993 he began working in the field of clinical psychiatry in the treatment of people with addiction and people in mental crisis.
In 1994 he undertook a training in addictive substances and addictions for helping people with mental illness and addiction of the International anti-drug committee at the Czech governmental department.
In 1995 he ended his two-year distance study in treatment of people with addiction and mental illnesses at David A. Deitcha, Ph.D in Extension University of California, San Diego, USA (UCSD).
In 1995 he became a good student of Grof Transpersonal Training in Mill Valley, California, USA, where he gradually undertook educational modules in the following subjects:
The Healing Potential of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness - Sweden, Berby Gard 1996
Abnormal Psychology and Architecture of Psychopathology - Italy, Roncegno 1998
The practice of Holotropic Breathwork - France, Melun1995; Italy, Florence 1997
Spiritual Emergency: Understanding and Treatment of the Crises of Transformation - Sweden, Berby Gard 1996
Frontiers of Science and the Cosmic Game - Norway, Guriset 1997
Birth, Death, and Transcendence in Psychotherapy - France, Melun 1995
Perinatal and Transpersonal Themes in Art and Culture - Norway, Guriset 1997
After he finished Grof’s three-year training program, he was granted Grof’s holotropic breathwork facilitator certificate with global legitimacy.
In 1996 he participated in the European congress of the International psychiatric society about the diagnosis and treatment strategies for people with personality disorders in International Biomedical Science Park in Milan, Italy. He received a certificate related to his education. In the same year he finished three-year long training in psychotherapy and treatment of people with addiction at Associazione "Casa Famiglia Rosetta" v Caltanissetta, Italy. The training was finalized by a certification examination with global legitimacy.
In 1996 he undertook training with Dr. J. M. Valucha and the organization GRADIORGALAXY, training in neurotechnological approaches – audiovisual stimulation in the treatment of psychosomatic difficulties.
After passing the attestation examination from the subject of psychiatry in 1997, Dr. Hrabánek stayed in Italy, as part of the organization SIDRO, where he focused on the treatment of people with addiction and mental ilness by utilizing his understanding of transpersonal psychology. He gave academic lectures in universities, institutions and communities in Palermo, Milan, Florence and Bari.
In 1997 he is also entrusted by Stanislav Grof in organization and supervision of the Grof Transpersonal Training across the whole Europe in italian Roncegn. He was helping Professor Grof in leading weekly educational programs of the training and also assisting as a holotropic breathwork facilitator.
From 1999 he again moves to Czech Republic. At the place of his residence, in Opava, he established the Center of alternative treatment – HOLOS.
As part of the Center HOLOS, he leads seminars of holotropic breathwork according to the GTT model, where he focuses mainly on self-exploration, addiction treatment, mental crises with the use of all his current insights. About transpersonal psychology, he gives lectures at seminars and meetings for laic , but also expert public audience – psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists from all around Czech Republic and Poland.
In 2000 he undertook a training in the subject of resonance system JOINT LINE ® CZ. He actively practices Bach‘s flower therapy (he is a member of the Society of Dr. Edward Bach’s therapy), phytotherapy, homeopathy and aromatherapy. He offers counselling in the subjects of kinesiology and bioresonance therapy.
In September 2003 he founded and became one of the chairmen of the HOLOS civic association, which is a voluntary non-governmental non-profit civic engagement, created according to the related Czech law. The Holos association is a group of people, who act with a holistic perspective towards person’s health and use holistic methods for fully-fledged lives of individuals or families. The main objective of the association is to develop and advance the holistic approach towards life with the help of cutting-edge scientific breakthroughs.
In the Holos association, MUDr. Hrabánek develops and practices proven methods used in therapy (direct individual and group psychotherapy, resonance system JOINT LINE® CZ, neurotechnology, Holotropic breathwork™, constellation therapy, bioenergetics, balneotherapy, homeopathy, art therapy, music therapy, Bach’s flower therapy, aromatherapy, phytotherapy, dance therapy, canistherapy, hippotherapy, etc.), counselling, collaborates with scientific institutions, supports and promotes activities leading people to harmonious relationships with nature based on ecological principals of permanently sustainable living (for example; energy saving, supporting eco-agro-tourism, etc.).
His scientific and publishing activities on topics of addictions and treatments are from the year 1998 presented at many scientific conferences and at congresses, both domestic and foreign. He collaborates with academic workplaces of Masaryk University, Biophysical institution, the Czech Academy of sciences in Brno and Psychiatric sanitarium in Opava. Externally he gave us lectures at Jagelon University in Krakow, Poland. At this moment, he gives lectures at the Institute of Nursing at the Silesian University in Opava.
From 2007 he is also a docent at The Free Swiss University of St.George´s.
He is a professional counsellor for higher educations, head of diploma theses for students of related fields. Within the governmental sector, he is a supervisor of the Czech Prison Service and at the civic engagement AVE Český Těšín.
In his free time, for 24 years already, he has been an active member of the Czech association of dancesport. He used to be an active dancer at an international level in Latin-American dance. At this moment, he also works as a director and coach of dance school beside Center HOLOS in Opava. He is trying to spark an interest for dancesport within the young generation and he uses dance as a tool for healing.
From 1986, he is a chairman of the Czech association for nature protection in Opava, where he works in the protection of folk buildings and gene pool areas.
Dr. Hrabánek is distance learning musical singing at professor Lída Nopová in Prague and Petr Miler in Jiří Miron’s theater in Ostrava. There, he also works as a host, actor, dancer and singer. He was a choreographic assistant during the dance shows “Na tý louce zelený” and “Země úsměvu”.
In 1998 he founded the breeding station of English Cocker Spaniels - blue whites - "From the rainbow groves", since that time he is also a member of the Czech Union of Breeders of Hunting Snoopers.
His education, seminars and trainings gave Milan the opportunity to develop a strong theoretical foundation for his work with people and for people. His past, connected to health issues and spiritual emergency, enabled him to gain many valuable personal and professional experiences. His insights and experiences from personal life made him interested about the study of the edges of psychological, biological, social and spiritual aspects of the self. He is interested in spiritual development, understood as the result from experiencing extraordinary states of consciousness and experiences from dying and suffering.
During his whole professional life he is in contact with Stanislav Grof, with whom he consults casuistries and vocational concerns. From 2014, he regularly organizes Stanislav Grof’s schedule in the Czech republic and Poland. Together with Holos, he organized plethora of lecutres, few conferences and together with Stanislav Grof he led an international holotropic breathwork seminar.
In 2016 he created the project Holotropic Art, which gathers together artists, who perform under the influence of holotropic states of consciousness and organizes exhibitions, where he presents not only their art pieces, but also their stories, which are the background of their works. The show of the first wave of Holotropic Art was done under the Foundation VIZE 97 of Dagmar and Václav Havel at Pražská křižovatka with Mrs. Dagmar Havel being present there.
In 2016 he partook in the organization of the first Czech transpersonal conference, where he also gave a lecture.
He was the main organizer and a member of the preparatory board for the International Transpersonal Conference Prague 2017, where he gave lectures on two topics. During this conference, he was also the leader within the team of holotropic breathwork facilitators at the international seminar with more than 200 attendees.
In 2017 he realized the show of the second wave of Holotropic Art and at the International Transpersonal Conference he set up the International exhibition of holotropic art, where besides the Czech artists, there were also internationally renowned names like H. R. Giger, Roberto Venosa, Martin Hoffmann, Stanislav Grof or Brigitte Grof.
In 2017 he received a certificate for the therapeutic use of the transpersonal technique Sandplay from the Institute of expressive therapies in Australia.
In 2017 he initiated new scientific studies about the holotropic breathwork technique.
In 2018 he organized the conference 75th anniversary of the discovery of LSD in Ostrava with the participation of Slanislav Grof. During this occasion, he gives to Stanislav Grof, on behalf of Holos, the Nautilus award for his lifetime contribution in the domain of consciousness research.
He is the leader of the therapeutic team at the International transpersonal center Holos, where he continues to develop the therapeutic potential of transpersonal psychology methods.